1. A TRUE KNIGHT must be a gentleman, yet not fail in duty.
2. A TRUE KNIGHT must uphold the Dignity of Men and Women,
remembering that all are born free and equal in Dignity and Rights.
3. A TRUE KNIGHT’s manner of living is an example to the young.
4. A TRUE KNIGHT shall at no time act outrageously nor do murder or be
cruel in any way to man or beast.
5. A TRUE KNIGHT respects and defends the rights of all men and women to
hold and practice religious beliefs other than his own.
6. A TRUE KNIGHT takes no part in wrongful quarrel, but at all times
supports the lawful rights of all men and women.
7. A TRUE KNIGHT’s word is his bond.
8. A TRUE KNIGHT must be honorable in all things and know good from evil.
9. A TRUE KNIGHT must be of modest demeanor and shall not seek worship
of himself.
10. A TRUE KNIGHT must seek out such Quests as lead to the protection of
the oppressed and never fail in Charity, Fidelity, and the Truth.
11. A TRUE KNIGHT speaks evil of no man. A slanderous tongue brings shame
and disgrace to an Honorable Knight.
12. A TRUE KNIGHT never betrays a trust of confidence given to him by a
brother Knight.
13. A TRUE KNIGHT must so order his life that by his contribution, the people
of the world may hope to live together in greater peace and tolerance.